Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We got it!!!

We got the house we were looking at! The house that you'll see just below! It's in South Jordan, Utah and in the Daybreak community!

This was the first house we had put an offer on, and thank goodness the bank accepted it! I had had a good feeling about this house, though, it just felt like it was supposed to belong to us but I also knew there were other homes out there in case we didn't get this one.

Since it was a foreclosure, we couldn't negotiate the price of the house down too much, we could only have the bank pay for our closing costs (which they accepted!), and a non-profit organization is going to pay for our down payment (first time home's kinda handy)!!!

It's not officially ours yet, we still have to sign our lives away on the dotted lines of the contract....

So now it's off to Lowe's, Home Depot, and IKEA to get idea and stuff to decorate the house to our liking!

If you are in the area and like painting and laying tile and laminate/hardwood floors, or finishing basements let me know...I could use your help! Haha :)


Janelle said...

Yay!!! Congrats on your first house! It's a great feeling to know that you got it, but at the same time a huge weight. You are officially in debt for the next 30 years!