Friday, January 16, 2009

Weekly update

Well! One of the things on my mind is a "You know you're the mom of a toddler when..." kind of post...I'll just jot down a few ideas here. I had so many good ideas last week, but I have forgotten all the good ones...oh hey! That's my first one! You know you're a mom of a toddler when you try to remember something that was SO important and you can't remember for the life of you...oh well.

You know you're the mom of a toddler when: start finding toys in the toilet and pacifiers in your clothes drawers. This is after you notice that of the 6 pacifiers you KNOW you had last week, you can only find 3. I think the other 3 got tossed out in the trash. tidy up the house but 20 minutes later, you can't even tell a thing was done! wear a pedometer to count your steps and you routinely log 2-3 miles per day without ever leaving the house.

...the constant refrain ringing in your head is "mommy mommy mommy mommy."

...your child has so many bruises from falling down that you're worried you'll get picked up for child abuse. have to write everything down or else you will forget it. occupy an entire side pew at the church so at least one escape route is completely blocked off. split turns with your husband who gets to try to keep the baby quiet and happy for three hours during Church.

...when it ends up being your turn to take care of him during the last two hours of Church, you come home and immediately crash for a nap. can't wait until he turns 18 months and can go to Nursery so both of you can focus on the lessons for the last two hours of Church.

...your DVDs are completely rearranged....every day. feed the floor as much as you feed your toddler. walk into your home office and realize with a sinking heart that you left one of the drawers of your filing cabinet open and he's grabbed the file with all of your bank statements and scattered them all over the floor. (I'm looking at it...right now) go to play catch with your toddler with his favorite plush soccer ball and it hits you and the leather couch with a wet THUD, because he's previously dunked it in the toilet, and now there's toilet water and pedialyte (because he also got into the pantry) all over the kitchen floor and you just mopped yesterday! roll your eyes at your husband when he suggest not having so many toys downstairs because it makes everything look cluttered (and exactly how do you propose that I keep the baby away from the DVDs, the pantry, the dishwasher, the drawer underneath the stove, etc if he has no toys to play with?) are annoyed (yet secretly proud) that he says Mommy way more often than Daddy.

.......any other ideas?